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April 15, 2024 Market Moment Thumbnail

April 15, 2024 Market Moment

Market Moment

Glen Eagle®: America’s Women-Owned Trading Desk®  


  • Growing geopolitical risk has drawn the attention of investors recently. Within the S&P 500 the technology and materials sector have the highest exposure with 59% and 53% of their revenue generated outside the US. The utilities sector meanwhile only generates 1% of its revenue internationally. 1
  • The stock market is hitting numerous all-time highs this year, a shift from previous years. From 2013 to 2021, the S&P 500 averaged slightly over 38 all-time highs before entering a bear market, with only one occurrence in 2022 and none in 2023. However, in 2024, there have already been 22 new highs in the first four months of the year! *2
  • Individuals reporting incomes over $500K or under $25K face double the likelihood of an IRS audit compared to those with incomes between $25K and $500K (0.4% versus 0.2%). Those reporting incomes exceeding $10 million have the highest audit probability, averaging 2.4% in 2020. 3
  • S&P operating earnings are projected to rise by 10% this year, followed by increases of 14% and 11% in the next two years. Such consecutive double-digit growth outside of recession recoveries has only occurred twice since the 1980s, during the mid-1990s and mid-2000s. 4


  1. Fact Set – “S&P 500: Aggregate Geographic Revenue Exposure (%)”
  2. The Irrelevant Investor – “Don't Be Afraid"
  3. MFS - "Beyond the News"
  4. WSJ - "Interest Rates Have Investors Worried. Profits Give Them Comfort."

*Past performance is not indicative of future performance

Client Focused Trading® for large institutions, pensions, hedge funds, wealthy families, and private equity for over 30 years. 

Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC is a member of FINRA and SIPC 

This desk commentary is for informational purposes only 

Carol Ann Fernandez, Rob Michel, Grier Vacek 

(609) 631-8231 


Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC | 4422C Route 27, PO Box 399, Kingston, NJ 08528-0399 

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