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February 20, 2024 Investor Insights Thumbnail

February 20, 2024 Investor Insights

Teeny Tiny Homes

February 20, 2024

Enjoy this week's "Investor Insights," a weekly newsletter highlighting the financial news you need and providing tips and tricks to help you make better investment decisions. 

  • Housing affordability issues have led homebuilders to reduce new build sizes. Over the last ten years, the median square footage of new homes has fallen 12% from 2,313 sf in 2013 to 2,036 sf in 2023. 1
  • About 4.1 million Americans will reach 65 years old this year -- that's about 11,200 a day. In 2023, nearly 20% of Americans aged 65 and older were employed, nearly double the rate from 35 years ago. 2
  • The average price of a stock in the S&P 500 now stands at $204.28, with 73% priced over $100 and 9 stocks priced over $1,000. That is a dramatic increase from the average 1983 price of just $39.06! *3
  • In 2024, more than 75 countries, with nearly 60% of the world’s population, will head to the polls for critical elections. Financial markets will be closely watching several of these political contests, including those in India, South Africa, and Mexico. 4


  1. MFS - "Beyond the News"
  2. WSJ - "America Has Never Had So Many 65-Year-Olds. They're Redefining the Milestone."
  3. Barrons - "Stock Prices Are Astronomical. How They Became So Costly."
  4. Barrons - "The World Is Headed to the Polls This Year. ‘There Are Enormous Geopolitical Implications.’"

*Past performance is not indicative of future performance

Disclosure: This information is furnished for the use of Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC, Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC, and their clients and/or contacts. It does not constitute the provision of investment advice to any person. It is not prepared with respect to the specific objectives, financial situation, or particular needs of any specific person. Investors reading this commentary should consult with their Glen Eagle representative/financial advisor regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities or adapting any investment strategies discussed or recommended in this newsletter. 

Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC is a member of FINRA, MSRB and SIPC 

Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC is a SEC Registered Investment Advisor 

Glen Eagle ADV Part 2A 


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