January 22, 2024 Market Moment
Market Moment
Glen Eagle®: America’s Women-Owned Trading Desk®
In 1980 the median age for a first-time homebuyer was 29. In 2023 it had increased to 35. Similarly, the median age for repeat homebuyers rose from 36 to 58 over the same time period. 1
Over half of India's population is under 25, positioning it to become the world's 3rd largest economy within a decade. However, it will need to address its public debt load, which equals 85% of GDP – second only to Brazil among emerging economies. 2
In 1960 US defense spending equaled $47 billion. In 2022 total defense spending reached $877 billion. Despite this rise, defense spending as a percentage of GDP has generally declined, dropping from around 9% in 1960 to less than 4% today. 3
Sustainable (ESG) investment funds have struggled recently. With their performance lagging the market and Republican politicians questioning the sustainable strategy, investors withdrew $323 billion from the funds in 2023, a 12% decline from 2021. 4
Apollo - "Homebuyers Are Getting Older"
WSJ - "Why India Isn’t the New China"
Bespoke - "Military Industrial Complex"
Barrons - "ESG Funds Set a Dismal Record. Yet Performance Was a Drag."
*Past performance is not indicative of future performance
Client Focused Trading® for large institutions, pensions, hedge funds, wealthy families, and private equity for over 30 years.
Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC is a member of FINRA and SIPC
This desk commentary is for informational purposes only
Carol Ann Fernandez, Rob Michel, Grier Vacek
(609) 631-8231
Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC | 4422C Route 27, PO Box 399, Kingston, NJ 08528-0399
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