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July 8, 2024 Investor Insights Thumbnail

July 8, 2024 Investor Insights

Houses Beat Inflation

July 8, 2024Save Post

Enjoy this week's "Investor Insights," a weekly newsletter that highlights the financial news you need and provides tips and tricks for making better investment decisions. 

  • The value of homes has far outpaced inflation over time. For example, since 1990, home prices nationally have risen 319%, which is more than double the growth in the standard inflation metric of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) over the same time period. 1*
  • The S&P 500 has had double-digit growth through the first six months of the year. Historically, when the S&P 500 is up more than 10% in the first half of the year, the index saw a median gain of 9.6% in the second half, with gains 76% of the time. 2*
  • The S&P 500 has now gone over 344 trading days (since 2/21/23) without a one-day drop of at least 2%. That is the fourth-longest streak since 1990. 3
  • China, which accounts for around 20% of the world’s population, is increasingly reliant on imports to support its economy. For example, China imports 70% of its crude oil feedstock, 40% of its natural gas, and 75% of its seaborne iron ore needed for steelmaking. 4


  1. S&P CoreLogic
  2. Bespoke
  3. Bespoke
  4. Barrons 

*Past performance is not indicative of future performance

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Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC is a member of FINRA, MSRB, and SIPC

Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC is an SEC Registered Investment Advisor

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