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June 17, 2024 Investor Insights Thumbnail

June 17, 2024 Investor Insights

Generational Growth Gap

June 17, 2024

Enjoy this week's "Investor Insights," a weekly newsletter that highlights the financial news you need and provides tips and tricks for making better investment decisions. 

  • NVIDIA accounted for 35% of the increase in the S&P 500's market cap since the beginning of the year. This concentration means that if NVIDIA rises, the market is stable; if it falls, the S&P 500 could drop significantly, making investors vulnerable to fluctuations in that single stock.
  • Before the pandemic, 38% of outstanding mortgages had interest rates below 4%. Today, this figure is 63%. This indicates housing is slowly adjusting to Fed rate hikes, as many households still benefit from low pandemic-era rates.
  • Younger Americans are investing earlier. On average, Gen Z (born 1997-2012) started saving and investing at 19, while baby boomers (born 1946-1964) began at 35. Despite this early start, only 45% of Gen Zers invest, compared to 54% of millennials (born 1981-1996), 58% of Generation X (born 1965-1980), and 63% of baby boomers.
  • A study of more than 52,000 employees at 6,800 businesses found that the average distance to work increased a whopping 170% on average, from just 10 miles in 2019 to 27 miles at the end of 2023.


  1. Apollo - "Chief Economist"
  2. Barrons – “Schwab Investing Survey: Gen Z Gets an Early Start as Confidence Rises"
  3. MFS - "Beyond the News"

*Past performance is not indicative of future performance

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Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC is a member of FINRA, MSRB and SIPC 

Glen Eagle Advisors, LLC is a SEC Registered Investment Advisor 

Glen Eagle ADV Part 2A 


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