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May 6, 2024 Market Moment Thumbnail

May 6, 2024 Market Moment

Market Moment

Glen Eagle®: America’s Women-Owned Trading Desk®  


  • In a recent poll, 52% of money managers expressed optimism about the stock market, a rise from 38% last fall. These bullish managers had a median forecast that implied a 9% increase in the S&P 500’s value from its current level. *1
  • The Top 5% of healthcare spenders account for 51% of total healthcare spending, while the bottom 50% account for just 3%. Their average annual healthcare costs are $385. People with health spending in the top 1% have annual average costs of $166,980. 2
  • American women aged 65 today have a 52% probability of living to 85 and a 30% probability of living to 90. For men, the probabilities are lower, at 39% and 19%, respectively. For couples aged 65, there is only a 20% chance that both members will live to 85. 3
  • Since 2006, the US has maintained its share of the world’s economic output (GDP) at 25%. The EU/UK’s share, however, has fallen from around 30% to just over 20%, while China’s share has risen from around 5% to over 16%. 4


  1. Barrons – “The Stock Market Will Rise Nearly 10% More This Year, Money Managers Predict in Barron’s Latest Poll"
  2. Apollo Global Management – “Distribution of Healthcare Costs"
  3. JP Morgan – “Life Expectancy Gap"
  4. The Irrelevant Investor – “Animal Spirits: Negative Arbitrage"

*Past performance is not indicative of future performance

Client Focused Trading® for large institutions, pensions, hedge funds, wealthy families, and private equity for over 30 years. 

Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC is a member of FINRA and SIPC 

This desk commentary is for informational purposes only 

Carol Ann Fernandez, Rob Michel, Grier Vacek 

(609) 631-8231 


Glen Eagle Wealth, LLC | 4422C Route 27, PO Box 399, Kingston, NJ 08528-0399 

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